Τετάρτη, Δεκεμβρίου 01, 2010

A last waltz

A confession has to be part of your new life
(L. Wittgenstein)

This is it then. Firmly decided for. Impossible to change. Inexplicable, as much as well understood. Meant to be forgotten, just as much as destined to permanently scar your memories. This is it then. Irreversible like death. Eminent like every unforeseen fate. Indescribable, yet in demand of words. This is it then. As elusive as time itself. The sand having long escaped the hourglass. Words not made out of consonants and vowels anymore. I put my memories to sleep and stay awake to watch them sleepwalk. Full stop._

4 σχόλια:

Β. είπε...

Perhaps "period" instead of "full stop". Κι αυτό το τελεία-παύλα κάπως ελληνικό ακούγεται.

Κατά τα λοιπά, λαμπρά ταιριάζουν όλα.

Τα σέβη μου.

Άκης είπε...

Δεκτά και τα σέβη και τα σχόλιά σας Β.

Καλημέρα υπό χιόνι.

Αόρατη Μελάνη είπε...

Ε λοιπόν εσύ σίγουρα έχεις αϋπνίες.

Εγώ πάντως έχω.

Άκης είπε...

Αυπνίες όχι - ανησυχίες ναι.